Pokemon Trading Card Game - Start Deck 100
- Break Style: Personal Opening - Starter Deck
- Number of Packs: None - x1 Deck
For this break, you will receive all cards from 1 random 'Start Deck 100' deck. If you select the '1 Copy of Each Card' option, you will receive only 1 copy** of each duplicate card in the deck.
**If you receive a special all holographic deck, you may keep all of the cards even if you select the '1 Copy of Each Card' option.
'Start Deck 100' features 100 unique Pokemon Trading Card Game decks. It includes reprints of Sword and Shield era cards, some reprint cards with new artwork and some completely new cards. Some decks are 'secret' versions that include all holo cards and new SR and UR cards for Marnie, Zamazenta V, Gal. Articuno V, Gal. Zapdos V, Gal. Moltres V and more!
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